Advice For Getting In Retail Stores

fashion retailer

In a post last week on the 10th, I brought you the first few recommendations from Leslie Docherty of Fat Buddha Store in Glasgow on how to pitch your brand of Tees to stores.

Today we’ll cover the rest of his tips.

Your brand name

The name is the first thing people will encounter with your brand and first impressions are difficult to dismiss.
Per Docherty: “Calling your label ‘Birds & Bombs’ or ‘Southside Narcotics Mob’ is going to immediately isolate and pigeonhole your brand.”
A poorly chosen name will not sit well alongside companies with more mature identities.
Consider the money carefully

Try to figure out what your price will make for the store.
Try to guess the base price of the other products in the store you’re targeting. Compare this with the retail price and calculate what the store is making from selling T-shirts.
Use the above information to better understand retail pricing and where you need to peg your prices.
Cheaper is not always better. To avoid your brand being deemed a budget brand, show confidence by setting the prices appropriately higher.
Docherty suggests a retail price of GBP25 to 35. The CAD equivalent is $50 to $70, which seems high by North American standards—but you get the idea.
Online consistency

The buyer will look you up online. Make sure your pricing is consistent throughout.
If an online search shows your Tees on sale less 50% somewhere, you’re not going to sell to the new prospect.
Big retailers

It might be an enticing idea to have your Tees on the shelves of a big retailer but that will limit your market with the niche independents.
Why would independents stock your Tees if they have to compete with the big retailers?
Attention to the little things

Branded care labels and swing tickets can be visual stimulants to help the buyer to visualize what your garments will look like next to others.
This will also help your brand look complete and ready for shelves.
Introductory incentive

Offer a guarantee to take back unsold Tees.
This shows confidence in your product and gives the buyer comfort.
Market creatively

Docherty points out that: “A creative and unique marketing campaign can turn a good brand into something great.”
Use models but keep it tasteful.
A web site with a short video or bold model photography is a good idea.

And in a final piece of advice Leslie Doherty urges: “Whatever you do, put everything into it. Be bold and you’ll be rewarded.

(article reposted from